Latest Articles

stars-2016-image FortisAlberta renews its partnership with STARS

Nov 25, 2016 - FortisAlberta announced the renewal of its partnership with STARS with a donation of $400,000 over the next five years, bringing our total contribution to more than 1.7 million dollars. This will also mark a twenty year partnership, making FortisAlberta the longest standing corporate partner of STARS. Something that we are very proud of! ​ On Wednesday, Nov. 16, FortisAlberta employees in Airdrie [...]

playground-hc Holy Spirit School celebrates new playground

Nov 16, 2016 - On Nov. 9, Ken Rakai, our Area Foreman in Cochrane was invited to Holy Spirit School to celebrate the grand opening of their new playground! Holy Spirit School was one of the lucky recipients of FortisAlberta’s $2,500 Safety Star grants an [...]

hawk-rescue-sept PLTs’ compassion and creativity help save young hawk

Sep 8, 2016 - Earlier this summer, two of our Power Line Technicians, Jon and Zach, were responding to a power outage in Taber when they discovered the cause: Ferruginous hawks had built a nest within a transformer bank and must have contacted energized [...]

Childs Fest Set Up II presentation FortisAlberta employees earn 2016 Volunteer Friendly Business Award

Sep 7, 2016 - As part of their National Volunteer Week celebration, the St. Albert Community Information and Volunteer Centre presented FortisAlberta with a Volunteer Friendly Business Award. The Award recognizes St. Albert businesses for their contribut [...]

Aug 23 storm FortisAlberta responds to several outages following severe wind storm

Aug 23, 2016 - On the evening of Aug. 22, storms with high winds and, in some cases, heavy rain tore through several of the communities we serve. Trees on lines and wires down impacted nearly 2,000 customers. The hardest hit areas included Olds, Sundre, R [...]

Okotoks system reliability System reliability improvement project in Okotoks and area wraps up

Aug 22, 2016 - The High River crew has been busy over the past two years improving the system in the Okotoks, Black Diamond, Turner Valley, Priddis, Red Deer Lake and Millarville areas. In 2014, it was identified as an area that required more than the no [...]

4hcamp 4-H members enjoy the great outdoors

Aug 17, 2016 - FortisAlberta is proud to support 4-H Alberta’s summer camping program. These camps provide members with an opportunity to explore healthy living and the great outdoors. Kids ages nine to 13 are given the opportunity to participate in the c [...]

My Account4 Easily access your electricity consumption and project information online

Aug 3, 2016 - Are you interested in learning more about your electricity use? Do you have multiple projects on the go with us? Register for My Account to access site information, electricity consumption and project information. Once you register, you [...]

construction advisory Construction advisory in Spray Valley Provincial Park

Jul 26, 2016 - To improve the reliability of FortisAlberta’s electricity service in the Canmore area, we will be rebuilding 10 kilometres of power line between Goat Creek Trailhead and the Three Sisters substation along Spray Road (Hwy 742). The work has [...]

scada Shorter outage times through automation technology

Jun 27, 2016 - The FortisAlberta Control Centre (FCC) allows our Power Line Technicians (PLTs) across the province to work collaboratively with centrally located System Operators to enhance the quality of service provided to customers. In addition to co [...]

highriver3 Honouring High River - Amazing People. Amazing Place.

Jun 21, 2016 - ​It was three years ago this week that the community of High River experienced a devastating flood that evacuated its 13,000 residents for several weeks while work was completed to make them safe to return. On Saturday, June 18, FortisAlber [...]

hotline Did you know? We perform hot-line work to avoid disruption of your electricity service

Jun 21, 2016 - Repairs and upgrades are an important part of delivering safe, reliable service. When possible, we perform hot-line work, which means we perform the work without disruption of power service to you. Hot-line work involves using rubber blanke [...]

comm-nat-2016 FortisAlberta announces winners of 2016 Community Naturalization Grants

May 19, 2016 - As part of FortisAlberta’s commitment to the environment we once again offered our Community Naturalization Grant program in 2016. In its fifth year, the program offers communities in FortisAlberta’s service territory the opportunity to win [...]

mock accident FortisAlberta brings P.A.R.T.Y. Program to high school students

May 17, 2016 - Working with community partners in the Town of High River, FortisAlberta brought the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) Program to grade nine students from Highwood High School and Notre Dame Collegiate. The goal [...]

Osprey Exshaw two eggs Watch the Ospreys in two locations this year

May 17, 2016 - FortisAlberta's Exshaw Osprey web cam is up and running and our beloved Osprey couple have returned to the platform and are keeping their three eggs warm. We installed a second camera near our Employee Development Centre in Red Deer Count [...]

olds-open-house Community celebrates FortisAlberta at Olds open house

May 16, 2016 - On May 5, we welcomed members of the Olds community to celebrate the grand opening of our new local office. Representatives from the Town of Olds, Mountain View County and surrounding communities joined FortisAlberta employees, retirees, pa [...]

Sue & Button name Our employees' generosity presses the right “Button” for Alberta Guide Dogs

Apr 21, 2016 - For the past six years, our Contact Centre has donated proceeds from Jeans Weeks to adopt dogs through the BC and Alberta Guide Dogs. The organization trains guide dogs for two years, and then provides them at no charge to blind/visually-im [...]

SARS 7 Search and Rescue Alberta gets donation of retired radios and equipment

Apr 8, 2016 - When our IT Architecture Operational Manager, Rod Doornbosch learned the Company was retiring radios and equipment from several fleet vehicles he saw an opportunity to donate the equipment to Search and Rescue (SAR) Alberta. "One of my br [...]

manup Our $15,000 donation helps employees beat prostate cancer

Apr 6, 2016 - ​Prostate cancer affects 1 in 7 men in Alberta, including FortisAlberta employees, but it’s one of the most treatable cancers when detected early. That’s why we asked employees to support our second annual Man Up Month campaign in February [...]

readingrally2016 Employee volunteers bring the joy of reading to students

Mar 1, 2016 - On Feb. 23, FortisAlberta participated in a reading rally at A.E. Bowers Elementary School in Airdrie where our employees read to 60 kindergarten students in the gymnasium. Teachers also entertained us with a reader’s theatre performance an [...]

Think Before You Dig

Think Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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