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earthday2020 FortisAlberta’s community partners share Earth Day message

Apr 22, 2020 - Today, April 22, 2020 marks Earth Day, an annual event celebrated around the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries. [...]

BELS0001 FortisAlberta continues to power on

Apr 3, 2020 - We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and, as an essential service provider, we continue to monitor the situation closely and adjust accordingly. FortisAlberta is taking the nece [...]

iStock-658045210 Thank you to our customers

Mar 27, 2020 - As we navigate this uncertain time together, our crews continue to work safely to bring you power to your homes, farms and businesses. [...]

Fall 2018 homepage Measures to remove load limiters

Mar 24, 2020 - As your electricity distribution provider, we understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the Coronavirus. [...]

about-us-page COVID-19 - FortisAlberta's latest update

Mar 19, 2020 - We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and are monitoring the situation closely. FortisAlberta is taking the necessary actions and precautions to protect the health of its em [...]

FortisAlberta COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Precautions and Considerations

Mar 13, 2020 - We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are monitoring the situation closely and we would like to confirm we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the reliability [...]

outage-blog Know when the lights go off with power outage alerts

Jan 27, 2020 - Have you ever been away from your home or business and need proactive communication about a power outage that takes place? FortisAlberta has released Power Outage Alerts for minimal impact to what matters most – whether that be operating an [...]

lineman sunrise1 Momentary power interruptions on FortisAlberta’s system

Jan 24, 2020 - We understand that momentary interruptions can be disruptive, particularly when electronic equipment must be reset or restarted as a result. What is important to note, is that FortisAlberta’s system is designed to operate this way to preven [...]

blanket-book How to prepare for this cold snap

Jan 14, 2020 - As cold temperatures continue across Alberta, we'd like to remind our customers how to save energy and prepare in the event of a power outage. As the temperatures drop, the demand for electricity is increasing with the heat turning up and a [...]

distribution-graphic Removal of RRO Rate Cap program and what does this mean for you?

Dec 12, 2019 - In 2017, the government introduced the price cap program to protect Albertans from price fluctuations while the province transitioned to a capacity market. Effective Nov. 30, 2019, the Alberta government removed the rate cap of 6.8¢/kWh fro [...]

Enter now Congratulations to our Energy Hog winner!

Nov 18, 2019 - Over the summer, FortisAlberta launched a ‘Show Us Your Energy Hog’ contest through our Save Energy Program. The contest garnered great interest and we are happy to announce that the grand prize winner was chosen and awarded with a brand-ne [...]

powerlines1 Welcome to our newest customers

Nov 1, 2019 - In November, we will begin the transfer of several electrical facilities to FortisAlberta. In 2018, the Alberta Utility Commission (AUC) issued a decision approving FortisAlberta’s application to alter the service areas of Rural Electrific [...]

truck snow September snowstorm expected this weekend

Sep 27, 2019 - Wet, heavy snow combined with a late September, early October weather event where leaves are still on the trees can lead to branches breaking and landing on power lines. Should this happen, we wanted to let you know how we are fully prepare [...]

rural-crime FortisAlberta lends more eyes and ears to rural Alberta

Sep 23, 2019 - Each year, FortisAlberta employees drive more than 16 million kilometres throughout our service territory, and that’s just for business-related travel. Many of us also live or spend our leisure time outside of the big cities. Needless to sa [...]

bison-bones-clean Streetlight project unearths ancient remains

Sep 12, 2019 - Archaeologists take great care in locating and excavating ancient remains and relics to piece together the mysteries of our past. Sometimes they get some unexpected help from some unlikely sources. [...]

Thorhild ball tournament 1 Giving back to communities is part of our culture

Aug 26, 2019 - Our employees at FortisAlberta prove time and time again how committed they are to their communities and giving back has become a way of life. [...]

distribution-graphic We explain the complex, sophisticated system that brings electricity to you

Aug 20, 2019 - When you flip the kitchen light switch in the morning — whether in Lac La Biche or Waterton — the lights come on. But have you thought about what it takes to have a reliable electricity supply? FortisAlberta, the rural distribution company [...]

img_3269 Technology and a team of hundreds help us respond quickly when the power goes out

Jul 16, 2019 - As fires raged across Waterton National Park two summers ago, burning down major power lines in the process, [...]

habitath2018 FortisAlberta makes $1 million matter to Alberta communities

May 13, 2019 - For the past 10 years, Paula Anderson has been lovingly whipping up hash brown casseroles, fresh salads and chocolate lava cakes for families who need a place to stay while their kids are in the hospital. It’s all in a day’s work for the t [...]

earth-rangers1 We recently partnered with Earth Rangers!

Apr 23, 2019 - We're proud to partner with Earth Rangers, a kid’s conservation organization committed to educating youth about the environment and protecting biodiversity. Founded as a small community organization in 2004, Earth Rangers has since grown to [...]

Think Before You Dig

Think Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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