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Welcome to our Fort Macleod Customers

Oct 1, 2018, 14:43 PM

Starting Oct.1, 2018 FortisAlberta will assume responsibility for all operations of the electric distribution system within the Town of Fort Macleod.

FortisAlberta aspires to lead the industry in delivering excellent customer service in every interaction with our customers in more than 200 communities we serve. As the new electric distribution system provider for the community of Fort Macleod, we will operate the power poles, wires, streetlights and meters that distribute electricity throughout the town.

Our mission is to provide your community with safe and reliable electricity service. This means that our goal is to reduce the frequency of power outages and, in those cases where the lights do go out, we will work hard to get the power restored safely and efficiently. 

As a customer of FortisAlberta, you will benefit from the technology we offer through our Control Centre located in Airdrie, where we can monitor the entire system from one central location. As Albertans, we understand the impact that adverse weather can have on the power system. In the event of a severe weather situation, we have Power Line Technicians ready to mobilize whenever they are needed.

If you have a question regarding any aspect of the delivery of your electricity distribution service, an electricity safety concern or need to report a power outage there are several ways to connect with FortisAlberta:

  • Call 310-WIRE (9473) to reach our 24/7 Customer Care Centre in Airdrie 
  • Download our free mobile app you can use to report power outages, keep informed of power restoration times, or report streetlights in need of repair

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Think Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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