Fort Macleod Upgrade

FortisAlberta continues upgrades to service in Fort Macleod 

To improve the reliability of our electricity distribution service to the Town of Fort Macleod, FortisAlberta is currently performing Phase Three of the reconstruction and upgrade to the Town’s electricity distribution system. This work is being done in two stages to minimize disruption to the day-to-day of Fort Macleod residents. Construction is focused on the central area of the Town.

Stage one was completed in 2023

As part of stage two, new poles will be installed in alleyways where crews will  string new lines. We ask homeowners to exercise caution in busy areas and work site intersections.

Once lines are installed, homeowners will be notified prior to a one-hour (or less) outage to transfer power to the newly constructed line. Workers may require access to backyards and roofs at this time. Once power is transferred to the new line, there will be no more outages affecting homeowners.

Customers who will require further modifications to allow a new secondary line to be fed from their alleyway will be contacted by a FortisAlberta representative. As well, if a point-of-attachment on a property needs to be modified, FortisAlberta will get in touch with the property owner to discuss options. 

Please note: Existing poles in front streets will have all wires removed. However, Shaw cables and devices will not be removed until they have opportunity to move all assets to new alleyway structures. Once Shaw assets have been transferred, the pole will be removed. Shaw is required to complete this transfer. Unfortunately, no schedule is known at this time.

In additional to the above work, crews will also be completing underground work. These areas will be excavated as crews remove grass, gravel and sprinkler systems. Upon completion, remediation of the area will be done at the best opportunity. 

We would like to thank the Town of Fort Macleod and all of its residents for their support and patience throughout this project. FortisAlberta and our crews have always felt welcome while on site. We're proud to have worked alongside the community establishing a more reliable, resilient electricity distribution service for all those who call Fort Macleod home.

Stage One

Stage Two

During this upgrade, back access to houses will be allowed but alley will not be passable during construction.

You may notice the following in your area:

  • Alleys blocked off during work hours for equipment and safe work zones
  • Signs placed in work areas
  • Signs on streets marking off ‘No Parking’ zone for crews to salvage poles on front streets

For us to work safely, customers within these areas will experience two brief power outages. If you are affected, you will be notified by our Customer Care Centre by phone 48 hours in advance, so it is important that your retail service provider has your current phone contact information.

We appreciate your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause. Please take care approaching our workers and work sites.

Town of Fort Macleod, service upgrade details

Why is this work being done?
How will this work be done?
How will customers be notified?
Infrastructure changes and what to expect

FortisAlberta aspires to lead the industry in delivering excellent customer service in every interaction with our customers in the more than 240 communities we serve. 

As the electricity distribution system provider for the community of Fort Macleod, we operate the street lights, meters, power poles and wires, that distribute electricity throughout your town. 

If you have a question regarding any aspect of the delivery of your service, a safety concern or need to report a power outage there are several ways to connect with us:

  • Call 310-WIRE (9473) to reach our 24/7 Customer Care Centre.
  • Download our free FortisAlberta mobile app, which you can use to report power outages, keep informed of power restoration times, or report street lights in need of repair.