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Providing your power is a privilege we take very seriously. We know that when your power goes out, everything grinds to a halt. We do everything we can to prevent that from happening. When interruptions do occur, we offer transparent outage management, including real-time updates through our mobile app and online reporting.

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Empowering your community

It may not always be obvious, but we’re working in your community every day. We’re Alberta-proud and as we operate across the province, we believe in having a positive impact where we live and work. 

Green Up Grant
Greening up your community

Our greenUp grant program provides students in elementary and junior high schools the resources to enhance the environment in their communities. This year, we awarded $1,000 greenUp grants to 24 schools. The grants were used to fund amazing projects, such as students working with local farmers and the addition of spin bikes to a classroom to power students’ devices.

Supporting local agriculture

Every year we proudly present the North American Seed Fair. This event showcases more than 25 classes of Pedigreed Seed including Open Classes and Junior Classes. It’s one of the oldest Seed Fairs in Western Canada and the aim is to support products and innovations that can directly affect, and improve, agricultural production.

Electrical safety awareness in schools

Every year, our ZAP Program teaches more than 4,500 Grade 5 students how to live and play safe around electricity. By teaching kids about safety as part of their science program, we hope to prevent future accidents before they happen.